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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > What do your preteens use to wash their face?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Nov 16 2011, 06:47 AM
Ashley got her first pimple on her chin. It seems a bit young at just 9, but I want to get her something to keep her face clean, but that isn't harsh/drying. I think the acne washes would be too harsh at this age? What do your preteens use?

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Nov 16 2011, 08:12 AM
I don't have a preteen, obviously, tongue.gif but I think I would just try to find a natural face wash for her, since with most natural products you don't have to worry about getting dried out. Maybe something like or I've found that washing my face with my face wash (I use avalon organics face wash) just once a day and just using a washcloth with hot water for the other time works well- the hot water opens my pores and the wash cloth is exfoliating. happy.gif

Posted by: Boo&BugsMom Nov 16 2011, 09:12 AM
Tanner has had acne around his nose for the last 2 years, and he is now 9. Walmart makes a generic version of Proactiv that works really well for him, and ME! happy.gif That's what he uses. When he remembers (key word there...remembers), it works well and keeps them away. I use all 3 steps (cleanser, toner, and cream), but he only uses the cleanser.

Posted by: coasterqueen Nov 16 2011, 09:33 AM
Kylie has had various pimples, and some looking almost like black heads on her nose for over a year now. I recently, on the whim because her nose was looking so bad, bought her I believe it was Clean and Clear Black head wash or maybe it was made by Neutrogena. It comes with a little hand brush to scrub face. After using it one day she was so excited at how better her face looked, lol. I plan to get her a natural one, but haven't had time to get to the special organic food store in our area. This is all new to me because I never once ever had to wash my face morning or night like a lot of girls I went to school with did. I may have gotten 2 or 3 pimples growing up and have gotten a few more after being pg, but that's about it. I don't even have to wash make-up off my face --doesn't break me out. Kylie and Megan, both, have bigger pores like their father and will have his horrible acne problem, I'm afraid. sad.gif

Posted by: CantWait Nov 16 2011, 10:31 AM
Noxema (sp?)

Posted by: MoonMama Nov 16 2011, 11:53 AM
I know a couple friends of mine use the Aloe line from The Body Shop for their tweens and I use it myself. Its very easy on the skin and non drying which are both things I myself have to be VERY careful of because I have VERY sensitive skin that dries out REALLY easily, and there's no extra crud in it (perfumes and such). Here is a link to the Aloe starter kit

Posted by: MommyToAshley Nov 16 2011, 06:04 PM
I ran to Wal-mart today while Ashley was in dance class, and I didn't see any of the organic or natural stuff that you listed and I thought proactiv or clean and clear might be too harsh, so someone suggested Cetaphil for sensitive skin. It has no dyes or perfumes so I had Ashley try it tonight and she said it made her skin burn. I was trying to get out of her if it was just a tingling feeling but she said it felt like it was on fire, so we won't be using that. Some sunscreens make her face burn too (not sunburn but have a burning feeling when I put them on her). I think I might wait until her physical on Friday and see what her ped recommends, although she's not a dermatologist.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Nov 17 2011, 06:29 AM
Good question. I have never really used any of those types of products... and the soap we use here is some generic brand from the dollar store, 8 bars for 2$. blush.gif

I do use hemorrhoid cream on pimples though... I get one or two during certain times of the month.. blush.gif and it clears it up in 12 hours or so

Another good thing to do is to wash with the hottest water you can stand... immediately followed by very cold. The hot water opens up all the pores... you can scrub it... and the cold water closes up the pores to help avoid bacteria getting in the pores, causing a pimple.

Posted by: PrairieMom Nov 17 2011, 11:45 AM
I use dessert essence products with tea tree oil. I have had great luck with the facial scrub, and the cleansing pads. I get my stuff at the health food store, a place like whole foods might carry it, you can order it online tho, and it is affordable.
The Tea tree smells a little strongly
, but it doesn't over dry my skin.

Posted by: ZandersMama Nov 17 2011, 06:15 PM
spectojel is pretty mild, zan uses it , he gets zits since 5 or 6.

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