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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 8-12 Years of Age > We went to see a New Neurologist today

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 5 2003, 08:03 PM
We went to see a new neuro today. I was panicked from last night until the actual appt today. Taylor has had the same Neurologist for almost 4 years and we got quite comfy with her. She opened her own practice last month and it is just to far to travel to. The new Neurologist is in a very tricky part of town, about a hour away. One way streets and parking is horrible, no parking actually. I have a friend who said I could park in his lot but that was so hard to get to. I did a trial run with DH last night. I made it there 30 mins early and was so nervous about meeting this new doc. Neurologist seem to pick more than any other doc I have ever seen. We walked in and the waiting room was empty..I say THANK GOD under my breath. We sit there for 5 mins and the new doc calls TAYLOR. Now I am severly nervous. sad.gif We get into the room and she starts asking questions, Neurologic exam's are very strange. LOL They do alot of testing of the muscle's and eye's and reflexes and just general muscle stregnth. Taylor goes thru this every 2 months in order to maintain his pills. So she says...How is he doing? LMAO I said I wanna KILL him 98% of the time! But this is again my fault, I put him down to 10mg from 30 and expected a miracle of some sort. She says and his school work must have been poor too? LOL She got suckered right into TAY. I said NOPE he is a straight A+ student. Behvaior is another thing. So now we have went to 20mg same meds and we will start this tomm, 30mg is just t much and 10 is not enough. We will get our annual blood work and MRI in about 2 months. Believe it or not, you can see the brain disfunction on the MRI from a *normal* brain. I was hoping he would be able to help himself control his brain on 10mg but he is not ready for that yet. sad.gif

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Aug 5 2003, 08:13 PM
It all must be so hard to go through. I hope all goes well and you get some peace of mind. Keep us posted on how everything goes. grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

Posted by: Kirstenmumof3 Aug 5 2003, 08:54 PM
I could not imagine going through this! HUGS to you and your family! grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif grouphug.gif

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 5 2003, 09:04 PM
Thanks you two! It's not so much hard but I was hoping by the time he turned 11 (which is very soon) that he would have some self brain control w/o meds. I have adhd also but never diagnoised. Children of my time learned to deal or just got a big spanking. LOL Taylor has big issue's with his new brother and his new life(6 years old his new life already) BUT I try and try and I want to knock him out all day long! He is SO smart and so knowing sometime I just laugh and that makes it so much worse. sad.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Aug 5 2003, 09:24 PM
Hopefully the new dosage will work out great and as he matures, you may be able to lower the dosage again. Keep us posted.

By the way, what did you think of the new neurologist? Did you like her?

Posted by: amynicole21 Aug 6 2003, 04:28 AM
Wow, that IS a lot to go through!! For Taylor and for you. I hope that the new dosage is the key!!

Posted by: supermom Aug 6 2003, 04:55 AM
Yes, grouphug.gif to you, for sure.....that is rough, I guess I never realized that it would be a Neuro that would do those exams. Yes, how did you like her?

And do hope the new dosage is better for both him and you!! Another grouphug.gif your way. I could not imagine going thru this with one of mine! Keep us posted.

Posted by: ediep Aug 6 2003, 05:13 AM
wow, hopefully, the new dose will work out for him as he gets older.
Good Luck

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 6 2003, 05:16 AM
well hopefully the 20 will work great for now and you will be able to reduce it when he gets a little older. Big hugs to you and your family! One of my nephews has it and he is one meds once a day has helped some but he still has a problem listing, ok really he ignors you until you practually scream at him to get his attention! Honstly until my sis told me he was diagnosed with it I though he had selective hearing as soooo many men seem to. it would get frustrating trying to talk with him but now I better understand and try not to get frustrated and tell him you need to pay attention to me while I talk with you, and he will if I explain it to him. He really is a good kid, so even though I dont have to live with it every day I kinda know how you feel! Big Hugs again!

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Aug 6 2003, 06:36 AM
One of my ex's little brothers had severs ADHD, and he also had schizophrenic tendencies, inherited from his heroine addicted dad. He was 9 years old at the time.

He was EXCELLENT in school, never got an average grade, it was ALWAYS A+.

He was onl ike 4 different kinds of meds, 3 times a day, but his mom found a great way to tone down his behavior at home - especially since he had 2 younger brothers besides that, 7 and 5. He also had an older sister, 18, and my EX, 19 - she made his do homework.

He loved school so much, that she would get extra work from his teachers, and she'd get him to do that when he was starting to be really rowdy. Since he loved it so much, he was quiet, and enjoyed what he was doing. He also LOVED to draw, and was also very good at that - so at the end of every week, he would be allowed to go to the dollar store, and get a new sketch pad for 99 cents. It only had like 20 pages, but it was enough to last him through the week. When he didn't want to do school work, his mom would tell him he wasn't being as nice as he could be, and to go calm down by drawing for 30 minutes. Usually he'd draw for a good hour before anyone would see him agian, and then it would be to show off his pictures, which really were quite good!

Maybe if you know what Tay really enjoys doing, you could implement that as a kind of calming influence when he's not being as quiet or good as you,d like him to be - if he REALLY loves animals, maybe get him a pet of his own, so that he can assume some responsibility? LIke fish?

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 6 2003, 08:21 AM
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions everyone. smile.gif I did like the new doc btw she was not right in my face. She would ask questions and then scribble away in his chart and than ask more. smile.gif Tay had several pets and Mommy just ended up cleaning cages. sad.gif His GP's had to be adopted out right before Sammy was born because I knew I couldnt handle that with a baby. sad.gif He loves to draw also! We are taking a stroll to the library after Sammy's nap to get some books. (his most favorite thing to do is read) thumb.gif

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Aug 6 2003, 09:03 AM
That's great he loves to read, it helps with keep his mind occupied. I hope all is well with the new dosage.

Posted by: jdkjd Aug 6 2003, 09:06 AM
I'm glad you liked the new Neuro, that makes things so much easier when you feel comfortable. Let us know how the dosage change works.

And hugs for dealing with all of that!! smile.gif

Posted by: mckayleesmom Aug 6 2003, 10:50 AM
My younger brother has adhd as well as terets syndrome, he sucked at school work, but he is a great artist, when he was 10 we went with our older brother to get his first tatoo, the guy hired my little brother to draw for him. So that kept him occupied for a while. My brother would make the drawings at home and the guy would buy the ones he liked off of him.

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 6 2003, 03:00 PM
thumb.gif Call me insane but I swear today was a really good day and we have not had one(a whole day) for awhile. This pill is a time release as was the other, so it's not like he gets an extra 10mg all at once, 5 added in the morning and 5 added in the evening. He just vaccumed his whole room(put everything away first) then said Ok Mom can I go around the block a few times on my bike AND waited for my response. LOL I hope this works, I was getting to the point where I didnt like him anymore. sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif Always love him but I was just at my limit and I am a strong woman who can take alot(I live with the inhells remember) rolling_smile.gif Thanks everyone for everything, it's nice to have people to vent to and just unload.

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Aug 6 2003, 03:14 PM
You can unload on us anytime you want , that's what we're here for. biggrin.gif I'm glad to hear today went good. I hope the rest of the week goes by smoothly.

Posted by: catou_98 Aug 6 2003, 04:20 PM
huh.gif wow, I just read you posts, and even tought today was good I still wanted to offer you a hug grouphug.gif for going thru all of that! I do hope the rest of the week go just as good as it was today! and the rest of the year for that matter! wink.gif

Posted by: MomofTay&Sam Aug 6 2003, 07:18 PM
Thanks guys. Day by Day is best. If I get my hopes up than I just get shot down.

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