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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 4-7 Years of Age > Have not been here in years

Posted by: Emeraldsmom Dec 11 2010, 10:42 PM
Okay, so I used to come here when my dd Emerald was a baby. Have not been here in a long time, but need some insight. Emerald is now 6 yrs. old. Recently, she just had to start using deoderant because of her body oder. I went online and found a deoderant for children that is safe. Well now, I think she needs a training bra! I thought it was just me, but my mom was helping her get dressed today and told me I am right and she needs one. I am going to make a doc. appt., but I am freaking out a little. She is also tall for her age. She is 4ft. 1 inch tall. The doc said she is the height of an average 8 yr. old. Does anyone have any advice or expierience w/this? 6 seems soo young to be going through this stuff.

Posted by: amymom Dec 12 2010, 04:42 AM
wavey.gif Welcome Back!

I have no advice. We hit puberty late in this house, so I don't have any advice for you. Good Luck!

Posted by: luvbug00 Dec 12 2010, 11:01 AM
I remember u! wavey.gif Mya didn't hit puberty smell wise and chest until 7.5-8 years old. But with her generation maturing so fast I'm not surprised. As long as her Dr says she is healthy I wouldn't worry.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Dec 12 2010, 08:21 PM
Welcome back!

I don't have much advice either, but I think making a doc appt just to make sure things check out is a good idea as that does sound a bit young. Heck, I think 8 is too young!

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Dec 13 2010, 08:16 AM
Six does seem awfully young! Good luck at the Dr, and let us know what you find out! hug.gif

Posted by: PrairieMom Dec 13 2010, 03:38 PM
wavey.gif I remember you too!
No advice tho. sad.gif sorry. I would call the Dr just to ease your fears.

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