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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 4-7 Years of Age > How much does your 7 year old eat?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 19 2010, 07:58 AM
I am just amazed at how much Ashley can eat sometimes. She stays thin though... I think because she is so active. But, just to give an example, for breakfast this morning, she ate:

Two eggs, a toasted whole wheat english muffin, a bowl of sliced strawberries and a glass of orange juice.

She'll have a snack at school, lunch at school, and still be starving and have to have a snack when she gets home. Then, she'll eat a pretty hearty dinner too.

Posted by: DVFlyer Mar 19 2010, 08:31 AM
Chloe can eat a lot too (although not quite as healthily as your example. sad.gif biggrin.gif ).

Posted by: coasterqueen Mar 19 2010, 08:34 AM
Glad to know mine isn't the only one eating like a P.I.G.

Man I'm blown away at what this kid can put down. She eats more than Ryan and I combined some times. rolleyes.gif

The last time we went to the doc I was FLOORED at her weight gain, but Doc said she's still in the 50% range for weight/height and because she's so tall she's just fine in weight.

Hope that remains the same when we go back in September.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 19 2010, 08:42 AM
QUOTE (DVFlyer @ Mar 19 2010, 12:31 PM)
Chloe can eat a lot too (although not quite as healthily as your example. sad.gif  biggrin.gif ).

Oh, she can put away the chips and cookies too...especially girl scout cookies. laugh.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 19 2010, 09:11 AM
QUOTE (coasterqueen @ Mar 19 2010, 12:34 PM)
The last time we went to the doc I was FLOORED at her weight gain, but Doc said she's still in the 50% range for weight/height and because she's so tall she's just fine in weight.

Ashely's the same way. The last time I went, Ashley was off the chart again for height, but she was only in the 75% for weight. But, she goes to the doc for her check-up in the fall in mid-soccer season when she is the most lean.

Posted by: jcc64 Mar 19 2010, 10:26 AM
Corey doesn't really eat that much in one sitting. For breakfast this morning, she had half an apple with some peanut butter--that's it. Unless it's pasta, she rarely finishes a meal. She's a grazer--she snacks a lot, which is probably why she never eats too much during meals. She's not scrawny, though. She's solid muscle from doing so much conditioning at gymnastics--there's nothing soft about her. Essentially, she's the size of an average 5 yr old--both ht and wt.
I think kids at this age, unless something or someone intervenes and screws it up for them, know how much they need to eat. I don't meddle in how much she eats. My s-i-l, she forces her kids to finish their food at every meal. That seems so old school to me.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 19 2010, 10:46 AM
QUOTE (jcc64 @ Mar 19 2010, 02:26 PM)
Corey doesn't really eat that much in one sitting. For breakfast this morning, she had half an apple with some peanut butter--that's it. Unless it's pasta, she rarely finishes a meal. She's a grazer--she snacks a lot, which is probably why she never eats too much during meals. She's not scrawny, though. She's solid muscle from doing so much conditioning at gymnastics--there's nothing soft about her. Essentially, she's the size of an average 5 yr old--both ht and wt.
I think kids at this age, unless something or someone intervenes and screws it up for them, know how much they need to eat. I don't meddle in how much she eats. My s-i-l, she forces her kids to finish their food at every meal. That seems so old school to me.

I don't meddle in how much she eats, as much as I do what she eats. She'd eat a whole basket of rolls for dinner and nothing else if I let her. So, I have to help her make better choices there. biggrin.gif

I just think it is odd that someone so small (well, she's not really that small anymore) can eat as much or more than I do. I always figured she needed more because she is always on the go, but I would imagine that Corey is pretty active with all her gymnastics training.

Posted by: coasterqueen Mar 19 2010, 11:46 AM
QUOTE (MommyToAshley @ Mar 19 2010, 01:46 PM)
QUOTE (jcc64 @ Mar 19 2010, 02:26 PM)
Corey doesn't really eat that much in one sitting. For breakfast this morning, she had half an apple with some peanut butter--that's it. Unless it's pasta, she rarely finishes a meal. She's a grazer--she snacks a lot, which is probably why she never eats too much during meals. She's not scrawny, though. She's solid muscle from doing so much conditioning at gymnastics--there's nothing soft about her. Essentially, she's the size of an average 5 yr old--both ht and wt.
I think kids at this age, unless something or someone intervenes and screws it up for them, know how much they need to eat. I don't meddle in how much she eats. My s-i-l, she forces her kids to finish their food at every meal. That seems so old school to me.

I don't meddle in how much she eats, as much as I do what she eats. She'd eat a whole basket of rolls for dinner and nothing else if I let her. So, I have to help her make better choices there. biggrin.gif

I just think it is odd that someone so small (well, she's not really that small anymore) can eat as much or more than I do. I always figured she needed more because she is always on the go, but I would imagine that Corey is pretty active with all her gymnastics training.

I'm the same way Dee Dee, especially with Kylie.

I have to be the same way with Megan, too, although I have to FORCE her to eat or she gets no tv at night. If I don't we'll be back to the gastro doc again. He is fine with her at the weight she is or even if she loses a little, but she MUST gain it back. She can't lose weight continuously or he's going to do more tests. SO we have to be MEAN and force her to eat. It's terrible. I have to go as far as say "if you don't eat we are going to have to go back to the doc and talk to him about what we need to do, feeding tube, what?" I know, sounds horrible to some, but the doc and nutritionist agree we have to do anything to get her to eat. Or she'd go all day with just drinking milk. Although now she doesn't even want milk much, she just wants water. wacko.gif dry.gif Some days she'll eat a ton and some days you have to fight her to even take a bite of food. She could live an entire day off of an apple!

So.....I may be old school with her, but only because I don't want her to lose any more weight. There is another little girl in her class that has the same issues as Megan and that poor baby is on food disorder meds, but only because she can't gain, she just keeps losing weight. sad.gif

Posted by: mckayleesmom Mar 19 2010, 05:58 PM
Well...Mckaylee is almost I will bite.

I'm very lucky that both my kids will eat ANYTHING not tied down...there is not a veggie, fruit or meal that they won't consume.

Mckaylee is really hard to get her to eat breakfast....She has been eating the choc cheerios though....Probably not the best, but better then nothing/

I usually pack her a snack...granola bar, fruit, crackers...etc. Usually they offer then vegetables and fruit at snack time also and she will usually eat that instead of her snack so its usually in her backpack when she gets home...She usually gives it to Russell.

She will usually eat a snack at home and then a complete dinner.

Russell eats non stop all day though....all I hear is "I'm hungry"....and the kid is a bean pole.

Posted by: PrairieMom Mar 19 2010, 06:32 PM
my kids will eat breakfast and that is about it. rolleyes.gif
Ben will have a huge double serving of oatmeal, like the size bowl I eat, 1/2 a bagel, and a glass of OJ
anything I send him for lunch is basically returned untouched, and he picks at dinner. he is getting better at dinner, but a lot of time it is just bread and milk for him.
No wonder my kids are so stinkin small. rolleyes.gif

Now if I give him something likes to eat, like things with little or no nutritional value, he can pack it away like crazy. Like a camel loading the hump. rolleyes.gif The other day he ate 2 PB&J on wonder bread, (don't ask why I had wonder bread in my home) and he wanted another one. He can also eat 3 pieces of pizza, if its the right kind.

Posted by: jcc64 Mar 20 2010, 05:11 AM
Dee Dee, I hope you realize I wasn't suggesting that you meddle. I was actually trying to support you--as in, "Don't worry about her eating too much, she knows how much she needs right now." My s-i-l shoves food down my niece's throats until they look like they're about to vomit, and then she complains that they're getting "chubby." Well, duh, why don't you let them stop eating when they're full?
To me, it sounds like Ashley has excellent eating habits, and you have nothing to worry about. She looks perfect.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 20 2010, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (jcc64 @ Mar 20 2010, 09:11 AM)
Dee Dee, I hope you realize I wasn't suggesting that you meddle. I was actually trying to support you--as in, "Don't worry about her eating too much, she knows how much she needs right now." My s-i-l shoves food down my niece's throats until they look like they're about to vomit, and then she complains that they're getting "chubby." Well, duh, why don't you let them stop eating when they're full?
To me, it sounds like Ashley has excellent eating habits, and you have nothing to worry about. She looks perfect.

Oh, I didn't take it that way at all. thumb.gif

Posted by: Cece00 Mar 21 2010, 04:47 PM
My 7 yr old eats a good amount. He is one of my better eaters.

He can easily eat 2 pb & j sandwiches at once, he basically always eats his dinner, isnt picky.

He eats breakfast (sometimes they eat a small something @ home and then eat breakfast @ school), lunch, snack at school, then is STARVING for a snack when he gets home and usually will eat all his dinner. A lot of the time he wants stuff the other kids dont want or didnt finish. tongue.gif

He's pretty normal sized, maybe a little skinny. NOT heavy @ all. Normal height.

Posted by: Hillbilly Housewife Mar 22 2010, 08:43 AM
both my 7 year old and my 6 year old pack in as much as i eat for a meal.


Posted by: PrairieMom Mar 22 2010, 04:00 PM
QUOTE (Hillbilly Housewife @ Mar 22 2010, 11:43 AM)
both my 7 year old and my 6 year old pack in as much as i eat for a meal.


I have no idea how my kids maintain their level of energy with the amount of calories they take in. They really should have died from malnutrition by now. rolleyes.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Mar 22 2010, 07:58 PM
All three of mine outeat me by a landslide. We went out for lunch Sunday and Colt ate the adult plate with fried catfish, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a slice of pie. Oh-and he had fried pickles before that. The girls ate the kid plates of the same thing but were hungry again when we got home an hour later rolleyes.gif

They're killing my grocery budget....I don't have much money left for fun food anymore laugh.gif

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