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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 1-3 Years of Age > resistant potty trainer

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Nov 15 2010, 04:57 PM
Andrew is 3 yrs old now. He will not toilet train! I can ask him to go pee on the potty and he will if I go with him, and he most of the time can make himself go. Now he wont go poop on the potty at all.
I thought at first it was the idea of the big potty being to scarey so we tried a little kids potty, no change, then I got tired of cleaning that thing, and went with a potty seat, still no change.
I am still using pullups because I dont want a mess in the house on the carpet or the furniture...
He wont even try. He never says, "I have to go potty." unless we are out in public, and then I take him and he doesnt go..He just likes to go in the potty when we are out.
What do I do?
I have tried incentives, tiny m&m's if he goes...and if he stays dry..
I have tried sitting him on the kids potty in front of the tv with tons of juice boxes so he would get the idea of the sensation to go..
and as long as I sat there and kept saying try to pee, he was fine, as soon as I walked away for one min..he peed on himself.
I am so frustrated..
I limit drinks to nothing after 6pm and he still doesnt wake up dry.
am I pushing to hard? It just seems to me at 3yrs and 3 mnths he should be well into this.. the other two were potty trained by now.

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Nov 15 2010, 05:54 PM
Some kids are just slower than others....Brooke was almost 4 before she potty trained. He'll get it eventually. hug.gif

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Nov 15 2010, 09:10 PM
Johnny has been horrible. It took probably 18 months but finally he has stopped having daily accidents (at 4 years 4 months) for him it was all about being lazy and stubborn. As it turns out I am more stubborn.

Posted by: coasterqueen Nov 16 2010, 07:13 AM
QUOTE (My3LilMonkeys @ Nov 15 2010, 08:54 PM)
Some kids are just slower than others....Brooke was almost 4 before she potty trained. He'll get it eventually. hug.gif

I agree. Some just get it faster than others. Megan has been my one who takes her time on EVERYTHING. And I do mean EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! growl.gif I've just had to learn to except she's in her own little world and things will get done when she is ready for them to be.

He'll get it. Maybe not when you wish he would, but he will. Give him time. I know those are words we don't like to hear and don't want to hear, but they are VERY TRUE. I have to chant that very sentence to myself almost on a daily basis with Megan as she can be so very frustrating with a lot of things, but the words are true. hug.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Nov 16 2010, 07:26 AM
I've been having the same problem with Allie - she's 3 1/2. I finally started using the timer to remind myself to make her go because I was sick of the accidents. I started with every half hour, then every 45 minutes, now we're on ever hour to an hour and a half and she's starting to tell me she has to go potty in between. But if it weren't for me telling her to go she would just pee in her pants. rolleyes.gif Remembering to set the timer is a big pain but she's starting to get it!

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