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Parenting Club Forums > Parenting Children 1-3 Years of Age > Thumb sucking

Posted by: lovingmylife Jan 10 2010, 06:24 AM
My 3 year old always suckedher thumb but it was only while she slept never while she was awake , the past month she started sucking all the time , what can I do to get her out of this ? I dont understand why she is getting worse with it .

Posted by: PrairieMom Jan 10 2010, 09:27 AM
I don't know why she is worse, but you can try taping a mitten over her hand, that might help.
thats whats gonna happen to my 3 year old if she doesn't learn to keep her finger out of her nose. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: MommytoKKC Jan 10 2010, 10:35 AM
Good luck. My daughter started sucking her thumb from the time she was four months old. Like yours, she pretty much only did at naps and bedtime. Then, starting in K, she was doing it all the time. She even tries to talk with her thumb in her mouth. I tried putting yucky tasting stuff on her thumb, she just sucked it off. So now my rule is, only sucking when sleeping. If I see her doing it, I tell her to stop. It's a horrible habit to break. And I'm probably not mean enough about it smile.gif

Posted by: lovingmylife Jan 10 2010, 02:23 PM
Good luck.  My daughter started sucking her thumb from the time she was four months old.  Like yours, she pretty much only did at naps and bedtime.  Then, starting in K, she was doing it all the time.  She even tries to talk with her thumb in her mouth.  I tried putting yucky tasting stuff on her thumb, she just sucked it off.  So now my rule is, only sucking when sleeping.  If I see her doing it, I tell her to stop.  It's a horrible habit to break.  And I'm probably not mean enough about it smile.gif

Yes this is what worries me and she will start school this sept coming .

Posted by: kimberley Jan 10 2010, 03:13 PM
my dd bites her nails and her big incentive to stop is nail polish. i told her i will only make her nails pretty if she stops biting for a whole week. hth.

Posted by: lovingmylife Jan 10 2010, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (kimberley @ Jan 10 2010, 03:13 PM)
my dd bites her nails and her big incentive to stop is nail polish. i told her i will only make her nails pretty if she stops biting for a whole week. hth.

That may work she does love pretty nail hubby hates it but if it stops a pail pink I see nothing wrong with thanks

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