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Parenting Club Forums > September Through December Clubhouse > What item would you say is your best investment?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 3 2003, 07:37 AM
I would have to say our infant seat/stroller combo.... although I didn't buy it. It was a gift from Grandma and my Sis.

When Ashley was smaller, she just loved her infant seat...and not just in the car. We also labeled it the "poop machine" rolling_smile.gif Whenever she was a little constipated, we would just sit her in the infant seat and it worked every time. haha. When she was a newborn, it was the only way DH and I got to eat our meals together was to put her in that seat. She also ate her cereal while seated in it before she was big enough for a highchair too. And, now that she has outrown the infant seat, she loves the stroller and going for walks.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 3 2003, 07:51 AM
I would have to say her bouncer, we did not buy it her papa did, grams did not know it was in the cart until they were checking out and she said 'whats that?' he said 'its for my grandaughter just pay for it' she did and she loves it, its a Kick and play and she now can kick her legs and get the lights and music to play. smile.gif It also has a gentle vibration feature. She has slept in in quite often....thank goodness for it. wub.gif

Posted by: Joannerobinm Apr 3 2003, 08:00 AM
2cents.gif I think the bouncy seat too. Alex slep it in for the first few months b/c he just refused to sleep in his crib. I don't think we would have gotten any sleep at all if we didn't have it.
he has outgrown it now sad.gif ...he's gotten so big so fast.

Dee Dee, how big is Ashley? Alex is technically too big for his carseat carrier...he's 27 inches...but I refuse to give it up...I depend on it b/c he can't sit on his own yet. How do you go to the grocery store?

Posted by: supermom Apr 3 2003, 08:01 AM
Yeppers, I think I'm with Mommy - we bought a combo infant car seat and stroller (believe it or not, I *still* hadn't gotten rid of the crib, walker, etc, etc from when the 'older group' were littler, so we didn't have to buy ALL new with Anders). We did "splurge" on the stroller/car seat combo - the kind that has the "permanent" base for the car and then it snaps into either car or stroller, or use as a "stand alone" infant seat. Although Anders outgrew the seat quite a while ago, we STILL use the stroller for walks and such or for shopping (although sometimes it carries all of the packages while he walks - lol!) and he's going on three real soon. It has held up well and will be well used for the next one too.

Posted by: ediep Apr 3 2003, 08:34 AM
I would definately saw it is our video monitor. There is a little camera in Jason's room and it shows him while he is sleeping in his crib on a tiny tv. I love this monitor!

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 3 2003, 08:37 AM
the stroller car seat comb would be my second choise, it was a gift from my boss and his wife. I love it they even got us an extra base for daddys car, well the babysitter uses it instead. We registard for it and did not really think any one was gonna buy it since it is kinda expensive but they got it, it will be usefull for a long while. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Roxworld Apr 3 2003, 08:48 AM
I'm going to have to go with Di and Joanne.....Aidan loves his kick and Play bouncer. He too slept in it alot, when he would sleep nowhere else. At three in the morning....I didn't mind a He kicks like crazy and watches the lights, and listens to the music. My dh and i put him in it right next to the table in the evening while we are eating dinner, and he just plays and listens to dh and I talk.

Posted by: dhoppygirl Apr 3 2003, 08:58 AM
I have to go with ediep...we also have a tv monitor for Peyton's room. I love watching him put himself to sleep. wub.gif The best part..I paid $20 bucks at a garage sale for it!!!!! We also use it when we go outside; we put it by the window and turn up the volume, we can easily "check" on him and listen to everything he does!!!

The second item that was the best investment is his arch rug...he can play under that thing for hours...he loves all the toys on it. We have a disney one that came with only three hanging toys. We rigged up a few of his other toys so he would have new things to look at and grab! He has been playing on it since he was 3 months old. He is able to take some of his toys off the rings....Now, he starts to use the arches as a way to pull himself on the floor baby.gif .

Dawn & Peyton 9/23

Posted by: momofajcl Apr 3 2003, 11:17 AM
I'm another kick and play bouncer lover wink.gif It has really "saved" me countless times! LOL! I wish we had invested in one of the car seat/stroller combos but I still had the infant car seat from ds#2 and the stroller ever since ds#1 so I didn't buy new. They look wonderful though thumb.gif

Posted by: CantWait Apr 3 2003, 01:25 PM
The best thing we invested in was a swing, the only way Robbie would go to sleep half the time, or stop crying was to put him in there.

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 3 2003, 01:50 PM
we just got a swing for her not ot long ago, since the bouncer lives at the babysitters during the week, we needed something. She is just starting to like it but prefers her bouncer. She has fallen asleep in it a couple of times. So its a good backup for us. happy.gif

Posted by: TLCDad Apr 3 2003, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (ediep @ Apr 3 2003, 11:34 AM)
I would definately saw it is our video monitor.  There is a little camera in Jason's room and it shows him while he is sleeping in his crib on a tiny tv.  I love this monitor!

wavey.gif Hi Edie Welcome to Parenting Club!

How much did that cost, if you do not mind me asking. That sounds neat. We talked about using one of our computers and doing a baby cam but the unit you describe sounds even better. Where did you get it?

I see Dawn has one too. I am very interested in this. Is it full motion and in color or bw?

Posted by: dhoppygirl Apr 3 2003, 04:15 PM
Ours is black and white, but it does an excellent job in the dark; you can see whether his eyes are open or closed! I'll look tonight to see what the brand is and find out what it would cost new!!


Posted by: ediep Apr 3 2003, 05:09 PM
The brand is Summer it is green and white. We got it at Babies R us. I think it costs about $99.00. It is well worth it!

Posted by: TLCDad Apr 3 2003, 05:49 PM
Thanks ladies! We will definitly have to check it out. Sounds really neat!

BTW you all have some really, really cute babies! baby.gif

Posted by: Schnoogly Apr 4 2003, 11:21 AM
Wow, there are so many!!

#1 is not a baby item at all though, it's the big squishy lazy-boy rocker/recliner that my mom got me as a birthday/baby present. I learned just how essential that item was when I was staying at the hospital after Iain's surgery--their wooden rocker just didn't cut it. I don't know how I ever lived without that chair.

#2 would be the kick 'n' play bouncer too. I wouldn't be able to do anything like shower, pee, wash dishes, eat, etc. without it.

#3 is my Maya wrap sling. Saves my arms and he looks so cute in it!!

I also had many early nights before Iain breastfed well when I wanted to kiss the Avent bottle warmer (so I didn't have to carry bowls full of steaming hot water up the stairs)


Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 4 2003, 11:37 AM
GOOD POINT! thumb.gif The rocking chair. We could not survive without it! smile.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Apr 4 2003, 12:02 PM
yep rocking chair, deffinatly need that, we have 3! biggrin.gif

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