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Parenting Club Forums > September Through December Clubhouse > Security Item?

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 30 2003, 12:37 PM
Ashely doesn't really have a favorite animal or blanket yet that she needs in order to sleep. She does have a blanket that she kind of favors, so I put her to bed with that one.

She doesn't really take a pacifier either. The Ped suggested giving her one to see if she could put herself back to sleep with it. I gave it to her, and she pulled it out of her mouth and tired to put it in my mouth as if to say, "I don't want this thing, you suck on it" HAHAH rolling_smile.gif

She does have to sleep next to her bumpers in her bed though. It doesn't matter where I will put her in the bed, she will scoot up next to the bumper. It scares me, but we have one of those AngelCare monitors.

Posted by: camdmm Mar 30 2003, 01:55 PM
with my DD she did the same thing scoot in the corner pressed against the bumper - it was funny the crib would look empty b/c she was in the corner - we used the angel monitor with DS, dominic he stays in the center of the crib...he'll suck on his shoulder to get back to sleep...he never wanted a pacifier...

he doesn't have a favorite item yet either...aside from me biggrin.gif

my DD didn't grow attached to her blanket until around 18 mo.-2 yr. - and it was/is a pain in the @$$ to remember that thing all the time. wacko.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 30 2003, 03:33 PM
he'll suck on his shoulder to get back to sleep
That's interesting. smile.gif Does he give himself a hickey there? Sometimes, Ashley will suck my arm and leave hickeys. haha. She does suck on her thumb & fingers, but she won't do it to calm herself or put herself back to sleep.

Posted by: momofajcl Mar 30 2003, 04:22 PM
No...Nicholas doesn't have anything but his thumb...poor kiddo! LOL! We do have one of those aquariums...Fisher Price I think...on his crib that he will turn on and off. It is very soothing...he loves it. He will fall asleep to that thing playing too.

As I remember...ds#2 didn't get attached to his teddy until he was 18 months-2 years too. I can't remember about ds#1 and his teddy...probably about the same. Ds#2's teddy is one that you can throw into the washer and dryer! So handy! I bought a washable teddy for Nicholas too for when he gets older. Ds#1's teddy can't be washed except surface wash so it is mangy looking rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: madaise Mar 30 2003, 07:52 PM
Teigen just has me. He has a bear he likes, but nothing that is a "security" item. He does love my hair though... he's pulled it out and broke it off in so many places. Gives me a headache, lol.

Posted by: momofajcl Mar 31 2003, 04:23 AM
QUOTE (madaise @ Mar 30 2003, 10:52 PM)
He does love my hair though... he's pulled it out and broke it off in so many places. 

WOW! I know what you mean there! Nicholas grabs my hair any chance he gets! He also likes to grab my necklace unsure.gif

Posted by: MommyToAshley Mar 31 2003, 06:09 AM
Ashley grabs my hair too. She thinks it is a game. Probably because I yell "ouch" when she does.

If it wet, she giggles when she touches it...she thinks it's funny. haha.

Posted by: ediep Apr 3 2003, 10:06 AM
Jason loves blankets! He actually covers his face with a blanket which makes me crazy!!! LOL!!! I just put in a blanket that my grandma knitted for him in his crob because it has holes in it. He also is a thumbsucker!!

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 3 2003, 10:25 AM
Ashley will grab her blanket and rub it on her cheek. She doesn't pull it over her head most the time. But, it leaves red marks on her already rosey cheeks.

Posted by: Schnoogly Apr 3 2003, 02:46 PM
Yeah--ME!!!! Or Dh will do. He only lasts about 30 minutes without me. Sigh. Will it ever get better??
Steph & Iain (3.5 months)

Posted by: MommyToAshley Apr 3 2003, 03:05 PM
Schnoogly...A few weeks ago... I was about to pull my hair out!! Ashley would not let me go out of her sight without crying. A different person could hold her as long as I was in the room. But, if I even went to the bathroom, she would cry. This lasted for about 3 weeks (started around 6 months) but now she is better and will play on her own again.

Prior to that, she preferred me, but would go to DH or someone she knew but no one else. Now, she goes to strangers (people I know but new to her) So, yes, it does get better! Hang in there.

I am trying to cheerish this time when she wants Mommy because I know there is going to come a day when she doesn't want to be seen with Mommy..haha. biggrin.gif

Hang in there!

Posted by: Schnoogly Apr 3 2003, 04:14 PM
Yeah--ME!!!! Or Dh will do. He only lasts about 30 minutes without me. Sigh. Will it ever get better??
Steph & Iain (3.5 months)

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