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Parenting Club Forums > September Through December Clubhouse > yogurt for baby?

Posted by: ediep Jun 25 2007, 04:19 AM
at what age can I start giving Emma baby yogurt like yobaby?
I know I gave it to Jason when he was a baby but I can't remember if he was older. She is 7 months now

Posted by: Mommy2Isabella Jun 25 2007, 05:53 AM
We started giving Bella soy yogurt at about 6months.

Posted by: amynicole21 Jun 25 2007, 06:01 AM
Yep, 6 months should be ok as long as she doesn't show any sensitivity to dairy.

Posted by: lovemy2 Jun 26 2007, 07:09 AM
Really - what do you guys think - Dylan is on Soy formula but as far as we know it wasn't a milk allergy that we put it on him for - it was more his tummy - I have given him some different baby foods that I know have some form of milk in them and he has had no reactions - think I can try the yogurt???

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Jun 26 2007, 07:13 AM
Katie eats soy yogurt bc she has to but try it it wont hurt her if she doesnt have a milk allergie and if so soy smile.gif

Posted by: Mommy2Isabella Jun 26 2007, 07:16 AM
Bella and I are both have milk allergies. As well as Im one of THOSE and I think milk is just NASTY stuff ... lol ... I won't go into it ... but we would drink Soy even if we didnt have allergies. smile.gif

I would say try the regular kind and if no reaction, mainly upset tummy then go ahead and give it to him.

When bella was on regular formula, she would SCREAM for hours upon hours, and she would projectile vomit ... I did the same thing as a baby so we switched her to Soy and she was a different baby smile.gif

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