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Parenting Club Forums > September Through December Clubhouse > HEEEELLLLLPPPPP.......

Posted by: siblingtooolivia Jan 19 2007, 09:19 AM
OK, Dylan has known reflux, had the upper GI, got him some medicine - he is remarkably better in that regard. Now - this child will not sleep unless I hold him in the recliner until about 1am then I can put him in his crib - seems like some nights and days are mixed up and he also cries from like 9-11 - seems like some colic.....what do I do.....any advice???

I am so running on no fuel that it is scary and poor Olivia is suffering because I don't get to spend ANY time with her at all...Dylan always wants to be held, etc. I get nothing done nor do I get to sleep much.....

Help.... bawling.gif I so didn't expect this with this child, Olivia was rough when she was a baby but she now seems like a piece of cake...

BTW, he will be 6 weeks old tomorrow...

Posted by: luvmykids Jan 19 2007, 08:43 PM
This is JMO and many will disagree so take it with a grain of salt wink.gif This is about the age I started working on a sort of "schedule", trying to keep them up for certain lengths of time and having set nap times. When he goes down at 1am, how long does he sleep? What are his naps like?

Hang in there hun, some babies are tougher than others but it will get better sooner or later; I hope for your sake it's definitely sooner! hug.gif And I'm glad to hear the reflux is better too.

Posted by: kit_kats_mom Jan 20 2007, 06:18 AM
get a sling and MAKE DH HELP. With a second baby, a sling is mandatory IMO. You may want to try different types and you can find them online or probably in second hand children's shop. I prefer the double ring type with the padded rails because it just felt more secure to me but others swear by the wraps. You can find more info about the benefits of slings at

I believe Lauren spent most of her first 6 months in the sling while I cleaned and played with Katherine. Plus if he has reflux, you can put him in a secure semi reclined position and being in a sling for much of the day has the added benefit of helping a baby sleep least that's what I've heard. tongue.gif

I'd also tell DH that you both need to spend at least 30 minutes a day doing one on one time with your DD. Weather he colors with her before bed, you play a game with her or take just her to the store while DH watches DS. make it fun and special. The adjustment to a sibling is already hard. No point in making it harder on her KWIM? My DH would watch the baby after bath every night while K and I had Mommy Katherine time. K really looked forward to it all day and if I ever had to say "not now honey, I'm feeding the baby or putting her to sleep" I could always follow that with "we can do it tonight during mommy Katherine time".

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Jan 20 2007, 10:20 AM
I second the sling. Because of Johnny's reflux we couldn't lay him down so he spent the first four months or so held completely upright in his sling. It was his happy place because it kept him in a comfortable position it also gave me a chance to do stuff with the other kids.

Oh favorite is a fleece pouch. I also like the Mai Tei's (babyhawk is really nice) and wraps. Refluxers definately want to be kept upright

Posted by: HuskerMom Jan 20 2007, 02:33 PM
For colic I would suggest peppermint water. My mom gave that to me when I was a baby and she said it was really good for colic smile.gif

Posted by: amymom Jan 20 2007, 03:42 PM
Mary Beth was / is a refluxer. Everyone above have great suggestions. I never used a sling but would have if I had heard of them or someone had suggested it. (no pc club for me!!) I would bet, since you now have the problem in hand that you will see some improvement. Consider the bed at an incline. Mary Beth still (9 yrs old) sleeps with the bed at an incline.

Also their little tummies are in turmoil, so it is harder for them to sleep. I hate to tell you this, but MB didn't sleep through the night until her 2nd birthday. We lived through only because DH helped, her older brother was forgiving, and by the grace of God.

Posted by: siblingtooolivia Jan 21 2007, 12:43 PM
Well just an update, we had two really good days and one really good nite - went down at 9:30 and got up every three hours to eat but went right back to sleep the whole next day was good again too - stayed awake, napped, etc. like you said Monica, I was begining to work on a bit of a schedule sort of....but then last nite and tonite we are right back at it, can't be put down, very fretty, etc. seems like the reflux but I really can't figure out what it is - maybe I will try a sling....I guess I just have to roll with it

I am so afraid of the things I do now affecting us later on - like sleeping in the recliner, etc. and then 2 years from now I am still sleeping in a recliner and I am getting very anxious about going to back to work - which isn't until the beginning of March but still, there is no way I will survive this if I am working full time too...

As for DH - ha, he isn't much help at all, he can't handle it and I am very disappointed in that, but that is a whole other post.....................

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