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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Clubhouse > How do I begin potty training my son?

Posted by: Mommy2JoeynAbby Feb 18 2010, 02:59 PM
Hi there,
I would like to start potty training my 2 1/2 year old son. I have an 11 month old daughter who is obviously in diapers and I'm hoping to get him to potty trained soon. Does anyone have any helpful tips?

Thank you,

Posted by: jcc64 Feb 19 2010, 07:47 AM
I'd say the most important thing is to look for clues that HE'S ready, rather than imposing your own time line on him. It's got to be something he wants to do--it's just must easier that way. Once you're sure he's on board, I'd let him run around naked from the waist down (not always an easy thing to do this time of year) and keep a potty chair in a central location so he can get there in a hurry (also to serve as a constant reminder to him). We kept ours right in the living room where the kids spent most of their time. And finally, reward and praise him-- we used to keep a jar next to the potty, and every time they went in the potty, they got to put a penny in the jar. After 20 pennies, they would receive some sort of treat--a little toy, a special dessert, a trip to the playground, whatever works.
And most importantly, keep it low pressure and casual. Potty training should NEVER be a source of stress.

Posted by: stella6979 Feb 19 2010, 08:13 AM
QUOTE (jcc64 @ Feb 19 2010, 07:47 AM)
I'd say the most important thing is to look for clues that HE'S ready, rather than imposing your own time line on him. It's got to be something he wants to do--it's just must easier that way. Once you're sure he's on board, I'd let him run around naked from the waist down (not always an easy thing to do this time of year) and keep a potty chair in a central location so he can get there in a hurry (also to serve as a constant reminder to him). We kept ours right in the living room where the kids spent most of their time. And finally, reward and praise him-- we used to keep a jar next to the potty, and every time they went in the potty, they got to put a penny in the jar. After 20 pennies, they would receive some sort of treat--a little toy, a special dessert, a trip to the playground, whatever works.
And most importantly, keep it low pressure and casual. Potty training should NEVER be a source of stress.

I agree with everything Jeanne said! With our daughter we just let her be naked at all times while in the house and kept her potty in the living room (which is where we spent most of our time) and after each time she went she got 1 M&M. And yes....lots of praise and maybe even a potty dance. biggrin.gif

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Feb 20 2010, 06:04 AM
I agree with them, too, although we did use underwear. Also, I used a timer to remind myself to offer him the potty about every hour or so. Once we did that for a few days, he was trained. No tears, no stress, no problems.
Hope this helps! thumb.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Feb 20 2010, 09:54 PM
The going naked method worked like a charm for my son Andrew. thumb.gif I've been having trouble getting Allie to use the potty though, and she's three. If we were living at home I'd let her run around naked or in a dress with no diaper or panties, but I can't do that here at my parent's house because my mom is afraid her ancient rugs will be ruined. rolleyes.gif

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