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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Clubhouse > My kid is weird

Posted by: MyBabeMaddie Feb 14 2007, 02:40 PM
She will eat all the nasty stuff like peas, the meats, mixed veggies - She scarfs them down. She will not touch fruits of ANY kind. Every morning I try to get her to have some fruit and I end up eating it (well if its bananas). How can I get Ms. Weirdo to like fruits!?

Oh also the Dr. said at 4months we could introduce the sippy cup... Its been 2 months and she still doesn't get it. I tried drinking out of it and its kind of difficult but whn I tried her bottle i couldn't get anything to come out so it could just be me(yah i'm weird too)... What are some good sippy cups?

Posted by: MyBrownEyedBoy Feb 14 2007, 02:54 PM
I liked the gerber ones with two handles and soft spouts. Logan had an easier time with them. Don't worry, Logan didn't "get" it until he was closer to a year. Try taking the valves out, you do have to suck kind of hard, then when she realizes that there's yummy stuff in there she'll probably get better at it.
Fruits are a different story. Logan loves fruit, but won't touch a veggie unless it's pizza sauce. Have you tried making it something she can dip things in. Like a biter biscuit dipped in applesauce.

Posted by: My3LilMonkeys Feb 14 2007, 03:03 PM
I agree with Kelly on both the the type of sippy and that it takes time - both of my girls were at least 8-9 months before they figured it out.

Posted by: CantWait Feb 14 2007, 03:51 PM
Anthony always prefered straws over sippy cups. As for the fruit, don't worry about it, there's more sugars in there anyway, sooner or later she'll want them.

Posted by: A&A'smommy Feb 14 2007, 06:19 PM
I don't have any advice on the fruit thing because we had the oposite problem VERY frustrating I definitly understand.

As far as the cups I definitly agree with kelly those are wonderful and really helped alyssa get the hang of it!!! hug.gif She'll get is soon!!!

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