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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Clubhouse > May-August babies post here!!!

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Jul 22 2003, 01:15 PM
I thought we should have a intro for all the new babies and the ones getting ready to turn one or already have.

How are the new babies sleeping and eating? Give us a little info so we can learn a little about our newest members. smile.gif

Don't forget to give stats then and now if possible.

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Jul 23 2003, 02:39 PM
I guess I will go first. lol Maddie is almost 11 months old and getting ready to move up to the 1-3 year olds. Boy does time sure fly. Well she has given up complety on baby food now and I guess that's ok with me , she just eats what I eat and it works out. She goes to the doc on Monday so I will give her stats then. She has become a great walker , she is never on her knees anymore, she hates crawling now , I think, lol. She still takes 2 naps a day and gets cranky if she doesn't. She loves to roll ball with you and it's so cute because she sits there and grabs the ball and kinda throws it at you and she has pretty good aim to , she gets the ball right to you.

Well I can't wait to hear all about our newest members and see pictures of them. smile.gif

Posted by: paradisemommy Jul 26 2003, 04:48 PM
oops i think i may have posted taven's happy birthday announcement in the wrong spot blush.gif

Taven turns 1 tomorrow (the 27th). His 1 yr appt. is on monday so i can give you guys the stats then. He is a full fledged walker and has almost moved onto running..he's a busy little guy and keeps me on my toes! I have ebf him and was hoping he would self wean but kinda thankful that he didn't cause i think i would miss it too much!! wub.gif he eats whatever we eat and has slowly stopped eating his baby food - loves to spit it out (or rather spray) when he doesn't want after this batch is gone, no more!!!

He loves to play ball and in general loves to be outside and especially loves water..he could stay outside al day long with the hose on. he helps me water the plants but loves to water the house more or aim it at someone close emlaugh.gif we take 2 naps - about 2 hours in the morning and another hour in the afternoon and he's a grouch when he misses them... smile.gif

i think that's about it for us!!! i can't include a pic because i have to downsize some of mine and i'm still working on it..slowly but surely... biggrin.gif

Posted by: paradisemommy Jul 26 2003, 05:36 PM
TA DA..i think i did it...wooo hooo rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: CantWait Jul 27 2003, 10:46 AM
well Anthony's at the beginning of the list, he's just a newbie....Happy B-Day to all those that birthday's are coming.

Posted by: flyingmom Aug 7 2003, 06:21 PM
Eva Cait is turning 1 year old on 8-20. Her 1 year checkup is on 8-26, so I'll come back and post her stats then.
She is not walking yet, but sure is trying! She crawls and cruises like nobodys business! She eats what we eat and has for awhile. She loves yogurt, fruit and green veggies.... biggrin.gif She hasn't used a bottle for 3 months (sippy cup) and hasn't used a pacifier for over 6 months. She takes 2 naps a day and likes to ride her 4-wheel bike. She absolutely loves the water and dogs. Her favorite sayings right now are: oh wow and numnum. She loves to blow kisses and turn her nose up at stinky feet!

Posted by: Mommieto2Girls Aug 7 2003, 06:57 PM
Awwee, she is so cute. wub.gif I wish I could get Maddie off the paci but DH feels sorry for her and says it's her comfot item and gives it back to her. He is gonna be such a sucker, lol

Posted by: supermom Aug 26 2003, 04:21 AM
Guess we're at the beginning of this list too - teehee.......

We'll see all of ya around.......

Posted by: EmilysMom Aug 31 2003, 08:05 AM
We are at the beginning of the list too. Emily's was born on August 12, 2003!

Posted by: maybaby2004 Aug 7 2004, 08:31 AM
Leona was born May 6th 2004 at 4:39pm weighing 6lb 9oz. At her 2 month appointment she weighed 12lb 7oz, she is a very lovely baby, so much like her daddy she loves watching people and cooing at everyone, last night she slept in her own room for the 1st time and slept all through the night. She has been in hospital once, she got a kidney infection and was in hospital for 10 days, she goes back for regular check ups and to see if she needs medication...hopefully not. Her last visit was 26th July and so far shes in the clear. Now shes 3 months old and shes a piggy she loves eating she has bottles and rice and couldn't eat them fast enough lol she loves sitting in her baby chair sucking on her binky and then falling asleep wub.gif shes the best baby we could have wished for biggrin.gif

Posted by: loveydad Aug 7 2004, 07:30 PM
Nicky was born on the 16th of August 2003 at 2:47 Am weighing 10 lbs 2 0z and was 21 inches long. He's really curious about the world, and he learns fast, but when he doesn't want to do it or it's frustrating, or you just PLAIN piss him off, watch out! That boy can scream. He's pretty mellow most of the time, unless you really do something awful (like take away his favorite toy, a plastic dump truck). He looks so much like my ex it's not even FUNNY.

He likes to eat baby yogurt, but more over he's a fan of stuff he can pick up (fruit, cheereos, cereal, cheese, ect) but he's also still eating Gerber. He loves meat and veggies (like most of us men!) and potatoes. Recently I fed him baked potato with Cheese on top and he stuffed his face saying "num num num nummmmmmmmm"
He was never breastfed, always had to be bottle fed. He can never get enough to eat it seems, and he's a big boy! (Last time he was weighed it was almost 30 lbs)

He'll watch a little bit of tv, but usually he's crawling around the house. He's a binky boy! He can stand alone but is still working on walking.

He's a sweetheart, thats most of what I can say! He'll give ya a big old kiss on the lips! (to anyone who stands still long enough!)
Nicky was born on the 16th of August 2003 at 2:47 Am weighing 10 lbs 2 0z and was 21 inches long. He's really curious about the world, and he learns fast, but when he doesn't want to do it or it's frustrating, or you just PLAIN piss him off, watch out! That boy can scream. He's pretty mellow most of the time, unless you really do something awful (like take away his favorite toy, a plastic dump truck). He looks so much like my ex it's not even FUNNY.

He likes to eat baby yogurt, but more over he's a fan of stuff he can pick up (fruit, cheereos, cereal, cheese, ect) but he's also still eating Gerber. He loves meat and veggies (like most of us men!) and potatoes. Recently I fed him baked potato with Cheese on top and he stuffed his face saying "num num num nummmmmmmmm"
He was never breastfed, always had to be bottle fed. He can never get enough to eat it seems, and he's a big boy! (Last time he was weighed it was almost 30 lbs)

He'll watch a little bit of tv, but usually he's crawling around the house. He's a binky boy! He can stand alone but is still working on walking.

He's a sweetheart, thats most of what I can say! He'll give ya a big old kiss on the lips! (to anyone who stands still long enough!)

Oh yeah, and he's been sleeping through the night for at least 7 months.

Posted by: RachelsMomma Aug 27 2004, 10:40 AM
Hello everyone!
I'm new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jill and I'm a SAHM to Rachel. She was born May 5, 2004 via c-section and was 9lbs 4oz at birth. She's my first child; DH and I were only planning on having one, but she has been so amazingly awesome that we've changed our minds and will try very soon to get pregnant again. Yes, they'll be very close in age. I am having a blast being with her every day and watching her attain her milestones. She's recently started rolling over and laughing all of the time. See you all around the forum.

Posted by: MommyToAshley Aug 27 2004, 10:51 AM
wavey.gif Hello Jill and Welcome!

It's nice to meet you! Congrats to Rachel on all her new milestones, this is such a wonderful time to watch our little ones grow!

Good luck ttc!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

Posted by: RachelsMomma Aug 28 2004, 04:17 PM
YEAH! Thanks Dee Dee. I love the pic of your daughter catching bubbles. smile.gif

Posted by: Mommy2BAK Nov 5 2004, 08:22 PM
Hello Everyone!!
My DD Blakely Allison was born July 12, 2004. (The greatest day of my life) She is an awesome baby, she is my first child and I could have never imagined how much meaning this little baby could have brought to my life. When she was born she weighed 8lbs. and 6oz. and 21inches long. She was born hungry I tell you, I BF for 2 weeks strait! (I kid you not!) And I realized this baby was not getting full. The first time we fed her a bottle it was great, she ate 2oz and then was content. Her pediatrician said that Blakely was just under the 90th percentile. Blakely loves to be taked to. She will just lay there and coo and listen to me talk for an hour. My husband and I are just in awe of her. I cannot wait to have more, but I know that no two babies are alike, my next one will probaly have colic (knock on wood). But I want to make sure Blakely gets all the attention she deserves before we have another child. Anyway, she is only 3 months old so she doesn't really do too much yet. I'll keep you updated, but thats my Blakely! biggrin.gif

Posted by: JilliansMom Sep 1 2005, 11:45 AM
Hey everyone! I am new here, so I thought I would introduce myself!! happy.gif

I am Jamie (22), mommy to Jillian Brielle (6 weeks). She was born July 19th after a very long 2 days of labor, 2 hours of pushing that ended up in a c-section b/c she would descend through the birth canal! wacko.gif

But she's here now and happy and healthy and that's all that matters! wub.gif
Pics are in my siggy...and I can't wait to get to know you all!!!


Posted by: DananaLuvsGabby Oct 23 2005, 07:19 PM
Hey y'all! hismiley.gif I am the new kid on the block. My name is Dana and I am the loving mother to the most beautiful little girl that has ever taken a breath on this Earth, Ms. Gabriella Rayne. Ok, so I am a little bias. LOL! Anyways, she was born on July 21, 2005 at 8:53pm weighing in at 6lbs 130z and 19in long. I was induced at 38 weeks because of pregnancy induced hypertension. It was a long process. 18 hours from start to finish but in the end it was all worth it! wub.gif

Here is a pic of her when she was 3 days old.

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Posted by: sweetlilysmom Oct 24 2005, 09:03 AM
Hey everyone, I am Jen a 28yr old stay at home mom. I had my beautiful daughter Lily on 7-29-05 at 6:50pm. She was induced at 37weeks due to gestational diabeties and toxemia. I was on bedrest for from 7-11 to the day I delivered. She weighed a whopping 9lbs 8.7oz and she was 4 weeks early....I can only imaging if I had made it the full 40 weeks what she would have weighed laugh.gif ok so here are somenewborn pics and recent ones toouser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

Posted by: ~Blessedmotherof7~ Dec 2 2005, 12:28 PM
wavey.gif Hello/Hola

Every one I am new here

My Name is Maryam My DD name is Mary she was born July 6th 2005

She was 9lbs 2oz at birth and is now over 20lbs she is such a big girl EBF..

She is pretty ahead on her milestone she has been sitting up on her own for awhile now,In some kinda of rush she is are 7th And last edttion to are family.

I cant wait to get to know every one!!


Posted by: ~tami~ Dec 16 2005, 09:25 AM

I just found this board. My son was born on July 7 of this year. He's a big healthy boy at 18 lbs and 28". He was a month early so he has definitely made up for it. I work part-time in an office. I look forward to getting to know you all.


Posted by: flirtycuddle Aug 1 2006, 02:54 PM
I just had my son July 12, 2006 and it has been one thing after another with him right now. I am hoping it all works out soon.

Posted by: Jaleiyah's Mommy Sep 8 2006, 06:08 PM
Well I guess I can introduce myself and my daughter here. My angel was born on August 18th 2006 at 2:38 am. She is now 3 weeks old and shes growing very well after a slight breast feeding obstacle... She was 6 lbs 8 oz when she was born and at her 2 week checkup she was 7lbs 6 oz. She has such a strong little personality! I modeled for a while so I had a photographer of mine do her very first photoshoot when she was 4 days old so here's some pictures from that...

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Posted by: Miranda1127 Apr 11 2007, 07:48 PM
More on Steven

He's not such a little man any more (well never really was). he is currently 8mo old (7-31-06) and is 19lbs and 29in. at birth he was 9.2lbs and 21in. he sleeps well wake only once at night for a little snack. he is the most pleasant baby have ever known. he laughs all the time (mostly at his big sis), and almost never cries.he is a rolling machine that just refuses to start the crawing process (ah well maybe we'll just skip it biggrin.gif ). he has just started to pull himself up not there yet but close. and is such a handsome little guy (see siggy to be wowed), and is the most wonderful guy i have ever known.

Thanks for letting me share

Posted by: Bigcurt Sep 7 2007, 07:42 AM
My little tater tot, Kaity Renee was born on August 21st, 2007...

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