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Parenting Club Forums > May Through August Clubhouse > Johnny's birth story

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Aug 22 2006, 02:32 AM
Okay here is the full story

We arrived at the hospital at 9:15pm on the 16th to start the induction. They noticed some very light and irregular contractions on the monitor but as opposed to the 2 cm 50% effacement and forward positioned cervix. I was 1 cm posterior with a full thick cervix. Cydotek (I think) was inserted about 11:00 and then I went to sleep for the night (well as much sleep acan be expected). In the morning I had progressed to where I thought I started the night before. At 6:00am the pitocin was started and contraction were basically on top of each other and though a little uncomfortable it was not painful. The Dr. came in at 8:55 to break my water and place internal contraction monitors. ANd we found out I had preogressed a whopping 1 cm. I was in a great deal of pain but decided not to get an epidural because of how fast Matt was born. By 9:15 they had to put in an internal heart monitor because we couldn’t keep her on the monitors. I got a shot of something (fentinol???? maybe???) to try and take the edge off and they also gave me an anti nausea med because I was about to throw up. I continued to be in pain but continued to try and get “comfortable” in the rocking chair until about 9:45 when I completely lost it. I needed to go to the bathroom but wanted to be checked first just incase. As soon as I got in the bed the pain became unbearable and they said 6 cm but it instantly changed to don't push yet but that is the head. AS soon as the dr. walked in the room they told me to feel free to push He was born in one push directly onto the bed and it took a few seconds before his daddy said…”um is that a scrotum” Kassandra Elise very quickly became Jonathan Patrick. NOone expected he would come out quite so fast so they were doing a little running at that point. He was silent after he was born and that was definitely concerning me but they all assured me he was perfectly fine. His Apgars were a 5 than a 9 but I’m not really sure the reasons. After about five minutes he started to cry. He was 7 lbs. 2 oz. (just like Katy) and 19 ¾ inches long. He is very sweet but his complete lack of interest in eating is starting to worry me a bit especially because he spent the first 48 hours doing nothing but wanting to eat.
He went in to the ped yesterday and checked out well he is down to 6 lbs 10 oz but they are in no way concerned. Dr. said he seems to be eating pleanty but if I am not more comfortable with how he is feeding by tomorrow he will arrange a LC visit for us. He is also a little more jaundiced then the would like to see his bilirubin levels were at 16.9 so we go back in today to get tehm rechecked. If they have gone up to 18 he will need to go on the lights but our fingers are crossed that they will be okay. They do have at home phototheraphy (which Katy was on) so atleast he won't have to go back in to the hospital if they do go up.

and here are a couple more pics...I am planning on being brave enough to be photographed again soon...maybe today smile.gif
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and Daddy with all of his babies
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Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Aug 22 2006, 02:40 AM
Forgot to add...
YEs his room is light purple...violet it was Katy's fairy princess room then we moved her to th ebigger bedroom to make room for her little sister wink.gif his whole closet was full of pink clothes and now there are 4 boxes of clothes, blankets...stuff that are going down to the basement because he is a HE. I have been to target so he does have some clothes and wont have to be embarassed about his attire in any early pictures. WE went and bought new paint and letters for his wall now it's just up to dh to do it.

Posted by: mammag Aug 22 2006, 03:24 AM
Oh he is absolutely precious!!!! wub.gif What a wonderful surprise. The same thing happened with Conner (aka Kailey before he was born rolleyes.gif )

Those picture are so cute. Look how proud his big brother looks! Too cute! You have a very beautiful family.

Congratulations again!!!!!!

Posted by: JP&KJMOM Aug 22 2006, 05:14 AM
Wow what an exciting day. He is absolutely precious and you have a beautiful family. wub.gif Congrats.

Posted by: Maddie&EthansMom Aug 22 2006, 05:17 AM
Congrats again, Lisa! He is such a beautiful baby and looks so peaceful. wub.gif What a surprise...I'm glad you had some boy clothes on hand laugh.gif

Posted by: Maddy'sMommy Aug 22 2006, 05:19 AM
Wow what a surprise huh? My first question when my daughter was born was "is it a girl?" b/c I had everything pink and purple. He is beautiful! Congrats!

Posted by: amynicole21 Aug 22 2006, 05:20 AM
wub.gif Wow! What a great story, and he is so adorable wub.gif

Did you give away all of Matt's baby clothes? What a shock tongue.gif I told your story to my sister who just found out she's having a girl and she said "ugh! maybe I shouldn't go shopping just yet" wink.gif

Congrats, again. baby.gif

Posted by: Sarah&Mackenzie Aug 22 2006, 05:22 AM
He's a cutie!! wub.gif

Posted by: coasterqueen Aug 22 2006, 05:28 AM
Wow, what a suprise! He's a doll. wub.gif

Posted by: luvbug00 Aug 22 2006, 05:31 AM
I know how it feels getting that surprise first hand emlaugh.gif

He is beautiful! love2.gif

Posted by: AlexsPajamaMama Aug 22 2006, 05:34 AM
Awww he's so precious!
What a surprise! Congrats again!

Posted by: Momof3inMe Aug 22 2006, 05:37 AM
Congrats on a great surprise!! wub.gif

Posted by: BAC'sMom Aug 22 2006, 05:43 AM
He's so precious!

You have a beautiful family!

Congrats again Lisa!

Posted by: mckayleesmom Aug 22 2006, 07:10 AM
Awww...he is gorgeous.....You have a beautiful family......LOL at your husband...Is that a scrotum...? rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Aug 22 2006, 07:17 AM
It was an exciting surprise. I have to admit I liked that surprise better with Matt since it was a couple weeks before he was born and not in the delivery room. We figure we were just really not meant to use the name Kassie.

Posted by: mysweetpeasWil&Wes Aug 22 2006, 07:33 AM
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! OMG!! The kids look so proud of their new brother!! I can't get over how BIG Matt looks in those pics! I love the name Johnny...I didn't shop until after you had him, so luckily I bought blue and not pink!! wink.gif And you know I always have a load of stuff to borrow if you need it! Congrats to you all!

Posted by: luvmykids Aug 22 2006, 07:41 AM
Congratulations!!! He is absolutely adorable! wub.gif Love the pic with daddy and all three!

Posted by: ediep Aug 22 2006, 12:06 PM
congrats! he is such a cutie!!!

Posted by: MyLuvBugs Aug 22 2006, 12:42 PM
DANG!!! He wanted outta there didn't he! Goodness! ohmy.gif Congratulations!!! hug.gif hug.gif I'm soooo glad that it went well. And all the pictures are just gorgeous! wub.gif He looks so much like your hubby!!! smile.gif

Posted by: gr33n3y3z Aug 22 2006, 12:52 PM
Awww Lisa he is so cute
Congrats hun I must have missed a post before this

Posted by: Brias3 Aug 22 2006, 06:21 PM
Oh, he's just precious! What a happy surprise he was smile.gif

Glad you have some blue still on hand...hope you're feeling great after delivery too! TFS the story smile.gif

Posted by: MomToJade&Jordan Aug 22 2006, 06:41 PM
He's an absolute doll Lisa. wub.gif Congradulations! hug.gif I happened to be present for a Samantha who turned out to be a Conner myself. The doc was so sure it was a girl he put the baby in my friends lap and was like you have a beautiful baby girl. Yes it was the first thing I checked when the baby was born and was like um no Sam has an extra part.

Posted by: Nina J Aug 22 2006, 11:44 PM
He's gorgeous wub.gif

Posted by: Kaitlin'smom Aug 23 2006, 06:58 AM
what a cutie, so did you have any words when you were supprised?

Posted by: DazzlingCami Aug 23 2006, 07:11 PM
Aww he is too cute! What proud siblings he has too! That's so funny he turned out to be a boy. When I found out I was pregnant I was certain it was a boy. I just had this strong feeling about it. I even went out and bought a blue blanket, some little boy outfits and shoes. I was only like 8 weeks along! Luckily my feeling was right! tongue.gif

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