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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > Advice needed for burping

Posted by: Danalana Apr 22 2008, 12:44 PM
Kade has gotten into this phase where he gets mad when i burp him. he doesn't seem to be in pain at all, just not wanting to stop eating long enough to do it. Before we changed bottles and formula, he had a good bit of gas, but not now. Because of the problem he had with it, I would burp him after about every ounce, and I still do it after every ounce or ounce and a half. Should I let him eat more before I burp him? I read that you should burp them halfway through and then at the end. So, if he eats 5 ounces, that would be after 2.5. What do you think?

Posted by: moped Apr 22 2008, 01:21 PM
I think they give you signs when they need a burp.....whining, fitgiting etc.......Just my thoughts

Posted by: MoonMama Apr 22 2008, 03:26 PM
What Jen said. With Braedin I found he didn't need to be burped as often either. So like you said if he ate 5 oz I'd burp him every 2.5-3 oz then again at the end, unless he seemed to need it sooner. He'll let you know. Good luck. hug.gif

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Apr 22 2008, 03:31 PM
when caleb was a baby, he would suck the entire bottle down if i let him, he hated to be burped, you would have thought i had just pulled off his arm, not taken his bottle away, but if i didnt and i let him drink it and attempted to burp him after the entire thing, the he would throw up like mount st helen! i swear he could somehow double the amount in his belly and throw it up into the next room!
if he is throwing up when you burp him, i would burp him no matter how made he gets..
but if not, then i say let him eat, and watch for cues.
or just follow your instinct on it. thats usually the best.

Posted by: MyBlueEyedBabies Apr 22 2008, 03:47 PM
we had a love hate relationship with burping our kids.... Katy we had to burp only for a short amount of time (like 8 weeks maybe)...but not ever during a bottle. that would just tick her off and not really do anything. and to burp her she had to be laying over our legs....not over a shoulder
Matt hated being burped and never did any good
Johnny would puke as soon as we tried to burp him. no one (doctors or nurses) believed us that is was not a good idea to burp him because it made him puke more....then they would burp him themselves get puked on and magically believe that we knew what we were talking about biggrin.gif

Posted by: luvmykids Apr 22 2008, 04:31 PM
All three of mine would really slow down when they needed to burp. The few times they didn't and I let them keep eating paid for it dearly laugh.gif

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Apr 22 2008, 05:56 PM
QUOTE (moped @ Apr 22 2008, 04:21 PM)
I think they give you signs when they need a burp.....whining, fitgiting etc.......Just my thoughts

ITA ~ maybe he's gotten past the point where he needs to be burped so often. I know I had to burp Andrew every couple minutes when he was nursing in the beginning, but when he got a little older he didn't need to as much and eventually I'd just burp him when he was done. wink.gif

Posted by: Sam & Abby's Mom Apr 22 2008, 06:51 PM
If I remember correctly,, when Sam was a newborn I'd burp him every once and as he got older,,, I'd increase the amount he was fed between burps. I kind of slowly built up to more ounces between burps.

Posted by: Danalana Apr 22 2008, 06:54 PM
Thanks yall...I appreciate all your advice. When I feed him next, I am going to just try to let him tell me when he needs it.

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