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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > quick ? about homemade baby food

Posted by: my2monkeyboys May 13 2009, 07:08 AM
What equipment do/did you all use to make it? Waylon is getting to where he likes his food with a little more substance to it, not so thin/pureed as they sell in the jars. But right now esp. I don't have money for a nice food processor. So what do you suggest I use to make him food? I am thinking I could steam the veggies/fruit, bake meat and then mash it all with a potato masher, adding water as needed. I'm just not sure if that would wear my arm out to the point of me giving up on it. biggrin.gif
Any suggestions? Thanks!!

Posted by: coasterqueen May 13 2009, 07:45 AM
How old is he again? Sorry, I can't keep ages straight. My girls were well past one before getting solid foods so we just did finger foods, no need to mash anything up.

Posted by: PrairieMom May 13 2009, 07:58 AM
you can use a blender, steam up the food, toss it in the blender with a little water or Bm till it gets to the right consistency. Not carrots tho, there is something bad in them, I think.

Posted by: luvmykids May 13 2009, 09:33 AM
The way you described would be fine, I even used just a regular fork to mash some things like veggies.

Posted by: my2monkeyboys May 13 2009, 11:58 AM
Either he just turned 6 months last Tuesday or he'll be 6 months on the 18th, depending on if you go by every 4 weeks or the date of the month. tongue.gif I say he's just turned 6 months.
I'm wondering when he'll be old enough for things like those puffs, cheerios, etc. I am thinking it's when they're about 9 months, is that right? I can't remember how I did it with Will... blush.gif

As for the meat. what's the best way to prepare it? I know to stay away from too much salt, but I also know he HATES the jarred meat unless I mix it with something else. Not that I blame smells like Vienna Sausages! I wouldn't want it either. mad.gif laugh.gif

I am thinking that if I can figure out an easy enough to make it that I'll only use the jarred stuff when it would just be more convenient. Otherwise I want to add more variety to his diet than those little jars allow.

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