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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > Question on moving from Formula

Posted by: grapfruit Aug 1 2010, 11:56 AM
So Miss Isabelle will be 1 in 10 days ohmy.gif bawling.gif

Since she's at "that" age, I was wondering how best to get her over to whole milk. Unfortunately she's just formula. We stopped BF at 9 months sad.gif (Work schedule just dried me up, I'd pump and get MAYBE 3 oz, too frustrating).

So do I mix? Just give it to her? I figure you probably need to go slowly right?

Posted by: Cherie Aug 1 2010, 12:42 PM
Do you plan on giving homo milk in a bottle like the formula?
If so, maybe mix and gradually reduce the amount of formula.

When I introduced homo milk, I started putting that in a sippy cup... and then gradually reducing the bottles and formula.

Posted by: mummy2girls Aug 1 2010, 08:45 PM
I did this with both girls... for 1st week add 1oz milk in the bottle to 7oz formula. Then the next 7 days have 2oz milk to rest formula. the net 7 days add 3 az milk to rest formula. and so on and so on and so on until its only milk!!! it took us 6-8 weeks to get breannas system use to the homo milk:)

Posted by: Swood75 Aug 1 2010, 08:49 PM
I just used what I had left of the formula then started putting whole milk in Kassidy's bottle and warming it just a little til she got used to it being cold..She was 14 months before I got her off her bottle..I guess it mostly just depends on what you are more comfortable doing..They do grow up too fast..Kassidy is already 18 months.. bawling.gif

Posted by: PrairieMom Aug 2 2010, 04:03 AM
I honestly don't remember how I did it. huh.gif That was a long time ago. rolling_smile.gif

Posted by: Our Lil' Family Aug 2 2010, 05:55 AM
I just made the switch. I had already started giving him formula in a sippy he was used to that part of it. He transitioned really easily, I'm hoping Andrew is just as easy.

Posted by: grapfruit Aug 3 2010, 03:04 AM
She'll drink it out of both (sippy cup or bottle) but a bottle is easier in the morning. I'll start that I suppose!!! I can't believe I'm looking at switching her bawling.gif

Posted by: youngmomofone Aug 4 2010, 02:45 PM
I just made the switch and had no probs

Posted by: A&A'smommy Aug 4 2010, 06:12 PM
honestly I just gave both of my kids a SMALL cup of milk like 1 or 2 ounces of milk, to check for allergies (which we already knew they didn't have because of the many things they had with milk like ice cream rolleyes.gif which I didn't give them btw) and then slowly weaned away bottles replaced with cups of milk, Autumn was easy Alyssa not so much. I didn't mix formula thats disgusting IMHO....... OOH but before I switched to milk I switched bottles of formula to cups and weaned them off before we did that both kids only had about 3 bottles a day one with breakfast, lunch and dinner

Posted by: Sam & Abby's Mom Aug 4 2010, 10:52 PM
If I remember correctly, by time I switched from formula to milk, Sammy was only taking one bottle per day. (his night time bottle) I did the part formula, part milk thing. started with 7 oz formula, 1 oz milk and did that for a few days. Then 6 oz formula, 2 oz milk for a few days and gradually kept increasing the milk until it was 100 % milk.

Once he was totally switched over to milk, then I took away the bottle completely. By this point, He was already drinking from a sippy cup at breakfast and lunch so offering him a cup of milk with a little snack (before bedtime) was a pretty easy transition.

Abby was breastfed for 13 months and was so easy going that I just started offering her milk in a cup and she'd guzzle it down. LOL

Posted by: grapfruit Aug 5 2010, 05:15 PM
I think she's going to be hard. She really likes her bottles (be it in a bottle or a cup). I've been trying to offer her food first, but she'll want the bottle first a lot of times. I usually give her one in the morning while I change her and get her ready to go to the baby sitters. Its just easier blush.gif

But like tonight, I got her up from a nap and we tried food. She ate a couple of bites and then was done and wanted a bottle. dunno.gif

So this might be time consuming tongue.gif On the plus side, I found some formula (yea its off brand) on sale for 3.97 a can! I got 3 (all they had)

Posted by: Sam & Abby's Mom Aug 5 2010, 06:24 PM
how old is she and how many bottles is she taking per day?
If she's still taking three bottles per day, I would definitely try to eliminate the one she likes the least (like mid day). If you keep offering it to her,, she'll keep taking it, KWIM? Trust me, she wont starve.......... once you eliminate one bottle, she will start eating more and will even possibly start drinking more during her other bottle sessions.

That's how I did it with Sam,,,,,,,,,,,eliminate one session at a time......... slowly so as not to totally freak out the babe ;-) hahaha


eta: good luck!!! it was hard with my first,,,,,,,,,but I just kept reminding myself why it was important that he quit drinking from a bottle after the age of one ----- it can screw up their teeth, for one thing. Of course,, a few months past 1 isnt gonna hurt anything.

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