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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > Breanna has a hollow leg!

Posted by: mummy2girls Jan 14 2010, 07:52 AM
So we started breanna on solids. and she i swear can eat non stop.(just like her daddy) For breakfast she will have oatmeal cereal with fruit mixed in then a bottle. She then will have 2 veggies and fruit for lunch and then a bottle before her nap. then she will have 2 veggies for dinner and fruit and another bottle. and then oatmeal cereal with fruit and a bottle before bed. I swear this kid will eat non stop if i let her. she has gone through peas, beans, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and some fruits with no problems to her system but rice seem to give her trouble. I will start pastas and meats at 8 months old. and see how that goes...

Posted by: ~Roo'sMama~ Jan 14 2010, 12:25 PM
Wow what a good eater! thumb.gif Andrew was a great eater too, until he got to solids and then he didn't like it so much. tongue.gif

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