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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > Biting

Posted by: DillsMommy Feb 25 2008, 02:47 PM
Lately Peyton has been biting and with 6 teeth-- it hurts! When he does it I tell him, no no, but that doesn't seem to do anything. At only 6 months old, is there anything else I can do to make him stop? unsure.gif

Posted by: TrulyBlessed Feb 25 2008, 04:44 PM
It sounds like his teeth are bothering him. Do you have any teething rings he can chew on?

Posted by: Teesa®© Feb 25 2008, 07:16 PM
Is he doing this while you're nursing? I never had that problem, *knocks on wood*, but I've been told that say NO in an authoritative and firm voice [not too loud, you don't want to scare him outta the crap] and look him directly in his face. He may not totally understand, but tell him "No, honey, biting hurts mommy. Here's a ...... that you can chew on."

It may take a few times of saying it, but it's supposed to work.

My oldest used to bite my arm and really hard. I bit him back once, not hard, just enough that he could feel my teeth, but even then, boy! did I ever feel horrible!! It made me think of a friend I used to have. Our boys were playing together and then fighting over a toy. Her son punched mine and she ran over, spanked his bum and hollered, "Don't hit!" and I was thinking, "Huh?" How does hitting a child and telling him NOT to hit make him understand hitting is wrong??

I was over at the same friends one day for coffee and her son comes up to me out of the blue and asks me to go home and get my razor. I thought wha??? So I asked him what for [while attempting to think like a 5 yr old and figure out the why of it]. And he says to me... get this! "Because I want you to shave off your skin so I can see what it looks like." !?!?!?!?! I looked at my ex-friend [this is only ONE of the reasons why I'm no longer friends with her, and the last straw] and said, "What the he**?" and she EVER so nonchalantly replies, "Oh, he watched a Chucky movie last night." OMG, but I LOST it on her... CHUCKY???? the kid is FIVE YRS OLD! She was all like, "What's the big deal? He watches movies like that all the time." I walked out. She has a little grrl too, can you imagine what he could do to her??? She's so petite and fragile. She was 4 when I met them and our DD was 1. I used to get hand-me-downs for DD, but she could never wear them, they were too small.

I know I'm gonna be reading bout her boy in the paper some day.

Posted by: DillsMommy Feb 26 2008, 05:48 AM
Yes, he's got a bunch of teething rings, but he doesn't seem to like them very much.
And he's bottle fed, so it doesn't happen while I'm nursing, but while I'm holding him, cuddling, playing, etc... He'll just lean over and bite my arm, hand, whatever is closest.

Posted by: emiliosmom Feb 27 2008, 10:58 PM
My son was a biter too- and I would give him a toy he could bite after saying " No bite mommy." " You can bite the toy" .

If it continued I would give him something for teething pain and it would usually stop.

Good luck, I know how much it hurts!

Posted by: Boo&BugsMom Feb 28 2008, 11:23 AM
QUOTE (Teesa®© @ Feb 25 2008, 09:16 PM)
I was over at the same friends one day for coffee and her son comes up to me out of the blue and asks me to go home and get my razor. I thought wha??? So I asked him what for [while attempting to think like a 5 yr old and figure out the why of it]. And he says to me... get this! "Because I want you to shave off your skin so I can see what it looks like." !?!?!?!?! I looked at my ex-friend [this is only ONE of the reasons why I'm no longer friends with her, and the last straw] and said, "What the he**?" and she EVER so nonchalantly replies, "Oh, he watched a Chucky movie last night." OMG, but I LOST it on her... CHUCKY???? the kid is FIVE YRS OLD! She was all like, "What's the big deal? He watches movies like that all the time." I walked out. She has a little grrl too, can you imagine what he could do to her??? She's so petite and fragile. She was 4 when I met them and our DD was 1. I used to get hand-me-downs for DD, but she could never wear them, they were too small.

WOW!!! ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif Talking about a moron parent. That's irresponsible parenting for you. Wow!

As far as the biting, I agree with what everyone else said. There isn't much else you can do about it other than saying "no" and offering other things for him to bite down on. Both boys were mainly bottles babies, and they would (Aiden still does) bite their bottles too when they were/are getting teeth.

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