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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > Parents and Children

Posted by: green1706 Oct 3 2009, 01:21 AM
What is the ideal relationship between parents and children? This relationship should be more severe, parents imposing their terms automatically, or should it be a friendship? In the latter case, if the child benefit from parents' indulgence and do something stupid? I know that the situation varies from case to case, but I speak in general. My husband and I get ready to be parents again, we want to adopt for the first time, and therefore we want more opinions. So, what do you think?


Posted by: TrulyBlessed Oct 3 2009, 11:12 AM
I think you need to follow your heart and let it lead you in raising your children.

I have chosen to be more of an old fashion mother. I have strong moral and ethical standards that I am teaching my children. Right now, I do not feel is the time for them to make their own choices and it is up to my husband and I to teach and guide them. As they grow older, they will make the decision whether or not they agree with us and go their seperate ways. I think children are given too much freedom and choice now a days. When they really need is guidance, discipline and LOVE. Yet, at the same time, I still try to be their friend, I want them to feel comfortable asking me anything and knowing that the only way to learn anything in life is to make mistakes and it is O.K. to make mistakes and help them to be confident within themselves and not scared of failure. I want them to be leaders, not followers. I want them to know it is O.K. to disagree with others, but still respect them for who they are and their beliefs and choices. You can respect them, but you don't have to do the same. All in all, I think you just have to try your best and follow your heart. Main thing, LOVE them.

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