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Parenting Club Forums > General Infant Parenting > introducing milk

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Oct 6 2009, 06:10 AM
I am just wondering when all of you started giving straight milk to your baby. Waylon will be 1 in 6 weeks (where did that time go!?!) and just a couple of days ago my dad gave him some milkshake without really thinking... actually about a 1/3 of it. Waylon loved it and the only problem we had with him afterward was him fussing for more until we finally just hid the cup. laugh.gif Anyway, it didn't bother him at all stomach-wise, I guess bc he's been eating cheeses and yogurts for about 2 months now. I am wondering if it would be safe to slowly start giving him milk in his cup during the day yet. I find it hard to believe that a month is going to make that big of a difference, but then I also know how quickly they can change from month-to-month at this age. happy.gif
So, what says you?

Posted by: coasterqueen Oct 6 2009, 06:19 AM
Personal preference, really. My girls wouldn't take regular milk until well after a year. And then it still was harsh on Kylie's stomach and we had to give her lactaid. Now she can drink regular milk. Megan had to start out on goats milk, then unpasteurized cows milk and now on to lactaid. I'd have to go back and look, but Kylie didn't get much regular milk until almost 2 years of age.

I say, do what's right for your family smile.gif

Posted by: mummy2girls Oct 6 2009, 07:00 AM
i have heard at 10 months its safe to slowly add milk. being he is almost 1 i woudl say its fine. Jenna had a hard time because she got constipated so i had to gradually add it to her formula.. But yes its fine.. give homo milk

Posted by: boyohboyohboy Oct 6 2009, 08:44 AM
I say if there is no hurry, I would wait that yr mark and maybe then some..only because some kids just need that time for their guts to be ready for it, if you google open gut and read about the issues kids can have that might give you some insite.

but you do what you feel as his mom is right, and you know your son better then anyone else.

Posted by: moped Oct 6 2009, 08:58 AM
I would say switch him. With Jack I waited the year. Laila I tried to mis half and half and she hated it, then I just gave her straight milk and she LOVED it....I think she was 11 month, maybe even 10. She was a good eater and really only had 2 small bottles of formula a day at the time anyways.......she loves her milk!

Posted by: my2monkeyboys Oct 6 2009, 04:31 PM
He really only nurses one GOOD time, and that's in the AM when he first wakes up. Other than that he snack-nurses 2-3 times during the day/evening.
I think I may ease him into it and see how it goes. It would be nice if he could spend the night off... daddy and mommy need some alone time!!! laugh.gif

Thanks ladies!!

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