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Parenting Club Forums > September Through December Expecting Club > to danahas4monkeys and happymom

Posted by: chloe-2005 Aug 21 2005, 05:31 PM

this is chloe-2005 you replied to my post about has the tech ever been wrong?

i was just wondering since you were told your babies were boy and they were infact girls,if you had actually seen a little something on the ultrasound or if they just told you(did they give you a ultrasound picture with what they considered boy parts) and also since you have other children was your pregnancies different with a Boy and a Girl?i'm just curious because this pregnancy is totally different for me than my Boys but they say it's a Boy and they gave me photos but i still don't feel fully convinced and i think partially it's because i only had 1 ultrasound with this one

i'm just amazed by your stories and would like to hear more

oh! and also did you carry differently because i think i'm mostly carrying the same but other people think that i am carrying a little pointier so i'm not sure

Thanks in advance,


Posted by: luvbug00 Aug 21 2005, 05:47 PM
My daughter I carried like a basket ball in frount which is the wivestale posistion for a boy and on the ultrasound which I don't have the pic handy showed what appered to be a winky but it turned out to be the umbillical cord or somthing. I recently m/c and they think that one was a boy but it was soo early in the pregnancy they aren't 100% sure and I was gaining weight very quickly.

I hope we aren't scaring you. but We didn't make it to the secound ultrasound with my daughter because she was a premi. I obviously don't hold my babies well.

Posted by: danahas4monkeys Aug 21 2005, 06:24 PM
with my first i was so happy when they said boy i didnt question, and i was young so i didnt think they could be wrong ya know, and wasnt real sure what i was looking at lol so i just took what they said to heart, now with my second one he was more than happy to show what he was he never hid it, heck he doesnt now and he is 9 lol, with my third we didnt know till she was born i think every dr in the tri state area tried to look and no way was she showing anything now with number 4 we have the money shot lol he gladly showed and posed so we knew without a doubt he was a boy! i could email you the pic if you want lol i dont really want to post his jewels all over the internet lol! as far as carrying them i pretty much carried them all the same although i did get alot bigger with my boys.


Posted by: CantWait Aug 21 2005, 06:54 PM
well I haven't got to that post yet, however I carried totally different, and felt totally different with each pregnancy and they were both boys.

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